916-915-3132 2531 S 5th Street, Oroville CA 95965, United States 09:00 am – 05:00 pm


Sac Truck Driving School Inc. Will strive to provide a safe, healthful, efficient and productive work environment. In order to help our employees/students perform their duties safely and efficiently in a manner that protects their interests, those of their co-workers and those of our guests, the following policy has been established.


Sac Truck Driving School Inc. is committed to achieving a safe, productive work environment for all employees/students, free from the effects of illegal drug and employee/student alcohol consumption. It is the policy of Sac Truck Driving School Inc. that prohibits illegal drug usage, possession, sale and distribution on or in Sac Truck Driving School Inc. property, or while performing Sac Truck Driving School Inc. business, and to prohibit alcohol usage which may affect a person's job performance. Having an illegal drug in the body while on or in Sac Truck Driving School Inc. property and/or being under the influence of alcohol while on duty or performing Sac Truck Driving School Inc. business are prohibited.

Sac Truck Driving School Inc. provides assistance to our employees/students who suffer from alcohol or drug problems to assist our employees/students in getting help. However, it is the responsibility of each employee/student to seek assistance before alcohol and drug problems lead to a violation of school policy. Once a violation of this policy occurs, subsequently seeking assistance or voluntarily entering a rehabilitation program will not necessarily lessen any disciplinary action and may be disregarded in any disciplinary decision.

The California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs is a referral services for Drug and Alcohol assistance programs that could be of help to you are. Call (800) 879-2772.

Violation of this policy or any other policy of Sac Truck Driving School Inc. relating to alcohol or drugs may result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension pending termination and employment termination. Because of the importance to all employees/students of enforcement of the school's drug and alcohol policies, disciplinary action involving these policies may be implemented with or without warning to the disciplined employee/student.

Drug-free Workplace Policy

To the extent allowed by federal and local State laws described in the Health and Welfare Code, Section 11352 - 11380 (which your school has on file), this institution, as required by federal regulation (34 CFS 85.635 and Appendix C), will report all employees convicted of a criminal drug offense occurring in the workplace to the U.S. Department of Education. Consistent with these same regulations, employees, as a condition of employment, are required to provide written notice to this institution of their conviction for a criminal drug offense occurring at the workplace within five (5) days after that convicted of a criminal drug offense during the period of enrollment for which the Pell Grant was awarded, are required by federal regulation to report that conviction in writing to the

Sac Truck Driving School Inc.

861 Gray Ave Suite L,

Yuba City, CA 95991

This report must be made within 10 days after the conviction.


Sac Truck Driving School Inc. provides an employee assistance program for persons with drug or alcohol problems which provides:

1. Assistance in the form of referral for any employee/student who feels he or she has developed an addition to, dependency upon, or is suffering from the use of alcohol or drugs. 2. Payment to referred agency will be based on employees/students benefits. 3. Leave of absence in accordance with School policy, on the same basis and with the same basis and with the same restrictions and limits as other disabilities. 4. Reinstatement to the same or similar job, when practical, upon successful completion of a rehabilitation program. It is the responsibility of all managers to make employees/students aware of the employee assistance program and to assure that no person who requests diagnosis and treatment will have job tenure or promotional opportunities jeopardized by this request. Drug-free Workplace Policy

Any employee/student suffering from drug or alcohol usage or dependency who rejects treatment when requested by the school or who leaves treatment program prior to being properly discharged is subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension pending termination. The recurrence of a drug or alcohol dependency may also result in disciplinary action.

Drug and alcohol treatment options:

The employee assistance program's job is to assist employees/students in finding methods of resolving problems which affect their job performance. Most people are not aware of the resources which are available to them. Sometimes they are so overburdened by their problems that they have difficulty reaching out for help. The counselor can assist employees/students in obtaining the needed help in a human and confidential manner. The earliest possible identification and treatment of the problem best serves the interests of both the employee/student and the school. The decision to undertake treatment is the responsibility of the employee. Overall objective is to retain valuable employees/students by providing the assistance when the problem becomes evident rather than waiting until the employee/student is no longer employable.


For the purpose of this policy:

"Drug" means "drug' as defined by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and also includes the drugs specified under "illegal drug" below.

"Having an illegal drug in the body" means the presence in a detectable amount of an illegal drug (or chemical substance or residue from which the presence of any illegal drug may be reasonably inferred) in the body of an employee.

"Illegal drug" means any drug (1) which is not legally obtainable in California, or (2) which is being used in a manner different from that lawfully prescribed, or (3) which is legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained. "Illegal drug" includes the following drugs unless used in accordance with a valid prescription:

Heroin Hallucinogens Tranquilizers

Morphine Amphetamines Cocaine

DeludedBarbiturates Marijuana


Drug-free Workplace

"Legal drug" means prescribed drugs and over-the-counter drugs which have been legally obtained and are being used for the purpose for which they have been prescribed or manufactured. "Management" means supervisors, managers, directors and officers of Sac Truck Driving School Inc.. "Under the influence" means that an employee/student is affected in an observable manner by the presence of alcohol, or alcohol and other substance, in any detectable amount in the body. The symptoms of influence need not involve misbehavior or obvious impairment of physical or mental ability, such as slurred speech or difficulty in maintaining balance.

Health Risks:

Use of illicit drugs and alcohol is harmful to your health. Below is a description of some of the health risks.

Marijuana (Cannabis)

Use of cannabis damages and destroys nerve cells and causes pathological changes in the brain. Use also impairs or reduces short-term memory and comprehension, alters sense of time, and reduces the ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination. Marijuana use may also produce paranoia and psychosis. Marijuana damages the lungs and respiratory system. The tar in marijuana is highly irritating and carcinogenic. Long-term users may develop psychological dependence and tolerance.

The chronic use of marijuana by women may adversely affect reproductive functioning.


Use of cocaine can result in serious health problems, including: heart attack, stroke, coma, seizures and respiratory arrest. Inhaling cocaine vapors may cause lung damage, including chronic congestion, coughing, and pain in the lungs or throat.

Chronic use of cocaine may cause ulceration of the mucous membrane in the

Nose and heavy cocaine use may cause the nasal septum to collapse.

Drug-free Workplace

Injecting cocaine with un-sterile equipment may transmit AIDS, hepatitis, and other infections. Cocaine may

produce psychological dependency.


Narcotics, including heroin, codeine, and opium, initially produce a feeling of euphoria followed by drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting. An overdose may produce slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, and death.

Tolerance to narcotics develops rapidly and dependence is likely. Typical problems include skin abscesses, inflammation of the veins, serum hepatitis, and addiction with withdrawal symptoms.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Options:

When the problem is chemical abuse, the employee/student is given information on the different programs available. The employee assistance program offers to do a free individualized evaluation to determine what kind of help the person needs. From this evaluation, the appropriate treatment program (in-patient versus out-patient) is decided. Drug dependency is a medically recognized illness with physiological, emotional and social implications. Drug and alcohol abuse can lead to liver, heart and other

Diseases: death: and low birth weight, birth defects and infant mortality in expectant mothers. Treatment must focus on educating individuals to their disease, as well as assist and support them in development of the necessary skills to manage their lives in a more productive manner.


I have read and understand the Sac Truck Driving School Inc. policy against the use, possession, sale or distribution of illegal drugs by its employees/students and applicants for employment and on-duty use of alcohol by its employees/students. I further understand that Sac Truck Driving School Inc. has adopted an employee assistance program as one method of implementing that policy.

I release and discharge Sac Truck Driving School Inc., its officers and agents, including the Employee Assistance Program, from any claim or liability arising from the implementation of this Drug-Free Work Policy and understand this policy is a necessity to maintain our Federal Loan Funds.


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